There is nothing more to say about it.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Here's Elvin
The gaps between every time I write here keeps getting bigger and bigger , but anyway , just to let my self know that I'm still a live down here. Her is Elvin. I'm gonna study him next semester.
Friday, September 24, 2010

This last week has been devoted to my first written transcription. That means , sitting down with a song, analyzing it and writing down every single note the drummer plays, in the right form of the song. Let's say , make a sheet music. Every kick drum, hi-hat, cymbal bla bla bla .
Man , I think I have never heard the same part of a song over and over again like this one, to place all the rim shots of maybe Brazils most talked about and respected samba drummer, Milton Banana , from this 60 's recording.
Have a listen at the song on this tube clip , and imagine writing the sheet music. Now I want to listen to some simple pop music for some days !
Friday, September 17, 2010
It's friday !
It's friday at last , and having spent last night at the MTV music awards party , with some of the most shitty bands in Brazil running off with most of the awards, I 'm in the mood for some Blue Monk !
Enjoy this one and have a good day :)
Enjoy this one and have a good day :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The key to the language.. Pandeiro
I have mentioned earlier the Pandeiro , as an important percussion instrument in Brasilian music. I have been told over and over to think about the rhythm of the Pandeiro when I play Samba on the drum-kit, to get the language right. Now I am practicing this instrument alongside with drumming. So here is a nice little instruction video for you who wish to do the same ;)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It goes too fast !
Again, I can do nothing but drop inn for a quick try to write some lines about how it is down here , but as it is 23.30 and I just finished studying for the day, I once again leave you with a video, as a metaphor for how fast things are going here and how hard it is to keep up. So here is a Baião , that is a type of music we play , and at a speed that we should play.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Long time no write....
In these Facebook days I guess no one has been biting nails waiting around for another post on this blog , but anyway here it is.
I'm well two weeks into my return to Brasil. The semester started as the previous one, with a lot of things to do, and little time to spend on the internet. Maybe mainly because as I got back I joined a quartet to play jazz-funk fusion, and last night we had our first show , that left me with a little over a week to learn over 20 songs. So , today , after a show that ended at 03.00 in the morning , I feel kind of sick and tired of my drum kit. Knowing my self though, that will last approximately 24 hours.
Since I am also kind of tired to write I'm gonna leave you with a very nice performance !
I'm well two weeks into my return to Brasil. The semester started as the previous one, with a lot of things to do, and little time to spend on the internet. Maybe mainly because as I got back I joined a quartet to play jazz-funk fusion, and last night we had our first show , that left me with a little over a week to learn over 20 songs. So , today , after a show that ended at 03.00 in the morning , I feel kind of sick and tired of my drum kit. Knowing my self though, that will last approximately 24 hours.
Since I am also kind of tired to write I'm gonna leave you with a very nice performance !
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Making of a video
This is the making of the Vespas Mandarinas Video. The video is now nominated for clip of the year on MTV here, hihi.
They needed a drummer for the clip, and I was in the neighborhood. All live.
Was nice to play some Rock after all the Samba.
They needed a drummer for the clip, and I was in the neighborhood. All live.
Was nice to play some Rock after all the Samba.
Monday, July 19, 2010
This is Norway!
Well into my holiday back in Norway , I was invited to join my old band colleague Kenneth Ishak for an offshore live performance for his upcomming single. Enjoy;) Rastløs #15 - Kenneth Ishak from on Vimeo.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Hamster style
Something I have not mentioned before is how good they are at making commercials for television down here. It's a lot of humor and always leave's you smiling.
This one from MTV is my favorite, against our preoccupation with the World Cup, and it's in wonderful Mexican-Spanish. Reminds me of when I had a hamster.
This one from MTV is my favorite, against our preoccupation with the World Cup, and it's in wonderful Mexican-Spanish. Reminds me of when I had a hamster.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
And they returned
And then they returned , the vuvuzelas, the fireworks, the cheering every time Germany scored a goal against Argentina today. As I am watching the game in my house, and as my brasilian esposa by my side says, it has nothing to with the fact that they like Germany, and all to do with the fact that they want their neighbor country to suffer!
Both times played well, Germany was better, but I have to admit that to their cold and strategic way of playing this game I prefer the passionate and artistic manors of Latin football any day of the week. Pobre Maradona , hijo de Dios.
I'm gonna make my self a fresh pot of Brasilian coffee, return to the sofa and cheer for Spain in the next game!
Both times played well, Germany was better, but I have to admit that to their cold and strategic way of playing this game I prefer the passionate and artistic manors of Latin football any day of the week. Pobre Maradona , hijo de Dios.
I'm gonna make my self a fresh pot of Brasilian coffee, return to the sofa and cheer for Spain in the next game!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Finally silence

This city has never been as silent as when I walked home after seeing Brasil loose the game for Holland today. People just went back to work with a complete empty expression in their face. No horns , not even from the cars, that usually make a lot of noise with their horns regardless of any football game.
I must say I felt with them for a moment there, but heck , it's only a game !
Until next time , let's sit back and cheer for Argentina !
Thursday, June 24, 2010
For you who think you can play drums.
The level of the musicians here is extremely high. This video is a must see , and pay attention around 5 min into the clip. The drum solo is by far one of the best I have ever seen!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Vai Brasil !!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The last time Brasil hosted the world cup was in 1950. The final was them against Uruguay at Maracana. The newspapers for the next day were already printed, with the front page saying victory for Brasil . They lost ! The following week there was a considerable increase of suicides in in the country because of this, as they called it a tragedy.
Football , a game ? Here it's religion.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Welcome to the Jungle
These pictures are from the park next to my house. Although it's totally an urban jungle I move around in every day, it's great that we now and then can come here and be reminded where we actually are. And judging from the way the people here got asswopped by nature this year, seems like this element can take the power back when ever it wants.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
To learn another language
I now find my self in a place where it is not only about learning the technique of playing Brazilian music, but about learning the language. It' s about loosing the accent that makes people hear that you are not from here. And the more you play, and the more you get into it, the harder it is to get a hold of the small details that makes you sound different from the rest. It's enough to play some sixteenth note in stead of others , and it right away sounds like an Americanized samba or bossa.
It's about hearing, speaking, thinking the language every day. It's about not having to pull out the dictionary every once in a while. Will I ever get there... I don't know. I more frequently feel lost than oriented these days, and need to remind my self to listen through a indie or folk album a day just to breathe a little.
Song of the week: Steve Winwood "Can't find my way home" .
It's about hearing, speaking, thinking the language every day. It's about not having to pull out the dictionary every once in a while. Will I ever get there... I don't know. I more frequently feel lost than oriented these days, and need to remind my self to listen through a indie or folk album a day just to breathe a little.
Song of the week: Steve Winwood "Can't find my way home" .
Saturday, May 29, 2010
São Paulo Sunsets
Noisy street..
Friday, May 28, 2010

Well enough about me , over to Milton Banana(Antônio de Souza), who did this very well. He was a self taught bossa nova/jazz drummer. Played with João Gilberto and Stan Gtez, but I recommend Milton Banana Trio !
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Hammond groove.
Obs: It's not me on the picture. This is Wagner Vasconcelos , and he's really good!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I'll let you know how it goes ;)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Rhythm of the week.

Baião is one of my favorite rhythm´s that I have learned her. It is to play very fast and with a more simple foot pattern, it leaves room and energy for a lot of improvisation and swing with the hands.
It is also cool to change the drumsticks with some kind of percussion. I prefer the triangle ;)
The baião originated with the native peoples in the Northeast but now incorporates elements of indigenous, African, and European musics. A good introduction is to check out Victor Assis Brasil.
He was primarily a jazz musician, but his reportoare spreads well into Samba and Baião. If you can find a recording or live performance of Creek you are in for a treat.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Virada Cultural

The problem is choosing where, who, what end when. There are so much things going on at the same time that this is the day you wish you could clone yourself. For me the choice fell on Vale do Anhangabaú, which is a great spot in the very heart of the center of the city. On an open air stage the the thousands of people that had showed up could enjoy the lege
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Burbon Street

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today I decided to change.. the language of my blog. With all do respect, I thought about my many friends who are not Norwegians. And this should be for them also, to the ones who were my first introduction to this country. And to all of you, I´m not going to translate old posts. Consider this your first lesson in MY language . Now that I have learned yours ;)
This blog is about how I see the country of Brasil, through my experiences as a student in São Paulo. I am hear to absorb the most important part of the brasilian culture, as I see it, the music.
So Brasil through the eyes of a Norwegian, hens the name of the blog. I guess you all know what havaianas are. For those of you who live in warm places , Lusekofte is some kind of a wool cardigan , that is very typical in in my country, good for when it`s like 30 bellow zero. Here is a fine example. Enjoy!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Ukas Rytme.

Frevo hører spesielt hjemme i karneval, og spilles veldig fort på skarpen , med basstromme kun på 2 i et 2/4 mønster. Men det er også flere fine kombinasjoner for resten av trommesettet.
Ordet Frevo sies å komme fra ordet ferver, som betyr å koke på po

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Her studerer jeg
Friday, April 30, 2010
Ukas Album

Monday, April 26, 2010
Et katteliv.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Ukas Rytme

Maracatu er en rytme som først ble brukt under under religiøse så vel som folkelige feiringer i Pernabuco (nord-Brasil) . Nå blir den mest brukt under Karneval. Tradisjonelle Maracatuer , er dansere som kler seg opp i fargerike drakter, spesielt fra Bahia. Denne stilen ble etter hvert populær også i sør-Brasil takket være komponister som Luiz Gonzaga , Jackson do Pandeiro og Carmélia Alves. Det som kjennetegner takten er ofte en dyp tromme som gjennomgående ligger på en åttendel synkope. Jeg liker denne takten veldig godt.
Den har mange variasjoner for både hurtig og litt mer lade back tempo . Bra å kombinere med vanlig samba, f.eks under en solo.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
En e-streng, bare en e- streng, nei nei nei .
Jeg skulle ut og ha en e-streng til gitaren min. Og hva finner jeg ut...
De selger ikke bare en streng her, bare hele sett. Det betyr at hver gang noen ryker EN streng, ja , bytt hele settet. Jeg overdriver ikke her , jeg var innom 63 musikkbutikker. Det er en gate her som heter Teodoro Sampaio , som har den største ansamlingen av musikkbutikker i hele Latinamerika.
Kul gate, her kan man kjøpe hva som helst innen instrumenter, bortsett fra EN gitarstreng.
Kjekt å vite for de som har tenkt seg denne veien for å spille. Ta med strenger !!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Og hvem bedre enn en ekte gringo. Jeg fikk snakke på norsk og det synes de hørtes hysterisk morsomt ut , samme hva jeg sa. Her er noen bilder fra settet. Gringo på flyplassen , take 34 , action !
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Ukas rytme.

Jongo- er en afrikansk dans hvor musikken primært spilles med perkusjon , spesielt litt større pauker. En av disse er kalles Caxambu, brukt mye i staten Minas Gerais. Dette er en urbredt dans i Brasil, særlig i nord-øst , da det er her det er mest befolkning med afrikansk opphav.
Siden Caxambu er et viktig instrument i denne dansen, mener folk at både Caxambu og Jongo er riktig navn for samme dans. For trommesettet er det en ganske kul takt, litt rar å spille i starten da den har noe utfordrene fotarbeid.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Viktig mann
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sauna for sjelen
Kunne ønske jeg var der jeg var i påsken. En liten pousada
(et slags hostel) noen timer nord for São Paulo. Var som å tilbringe helgen i bjørneborgen i Star Wars 6. Alt var bygget i tre, fulstendig integrert i jungelen. Og tenke seg til at det visst nok bare skal være 10% igjen av atlanterhavsmatten som de kalte det. Resten måtte vike for å bygge ut landet. Men fortsatt skal du lete lenge etter en flekk
som ikke er grønn.
Pousada Das Praias anbefales. Peace.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Ukas album

En god introduksjon hvis man vil sjekke ut litt brasiliansk musikk er Quarteto Novo. En instrumental gruppe fra São Paulo. En viktig del av bandet var Hermeto Pascoal. De laget kun ett album i 1967. Dette er gode låter, ikke for mye mas , tørt lydbilde og bra sving.
Stilen kalles Bajão. Det første sporet på skiva " O ovo " , skal jeg presentere nå på mandag sammen med en gruppe fra skolen.
Alle som liker godt gitarspill bør sjekke ut nylonstreng gitarsoloen på "Fica mal com deus".
God fornøyelse .
Thursday, April 8, 2010

I januar var det São Paulo som druknet, nå er det Rio. Det er umulig å måle menneskelig tragedie opp mot hverandre. Man kan nevne Haiti, som er et av de fattigste land i værden og at tragedien der rammet de som hadde minst og en infrastruktur full av sprekker falt sammen. Moder Jord er dritt lei oss og nå skjer det samme i Brasil , i mye mindre målestokk vel å merker, men da igjen , hvordan måle...
Dette landet har alle de ressursene en struktur som vil og bør ungå dette krever. Ungå at hele åssider med hus på størelse med tippekjosker, raser ned og folk blir begravet levende. Hus som ikke burde vært bygget der i det hele tatt. Dette er de som har minimalt av det som skal til for å overleve og mindre. De som aldri kommer til bo noe annet sted enn i Favelaen. Urørt , er selvfølgelig jeg , naboen som har fetere bil enn meg, naboen hans som har eget hus ved havet og naboen hans som tar helikopter til jobben (São Paulo er den byen i værden som har mest privat helikoptertrafikk). Ukontrolert befolkningsvekst i et land som Haiti med påfølgende vaklende infrastruktur kan til en viss grad forsvares. Men ikke her. Forskjellen mellom ekstrem rikdom og ekstrem fattigdom er påfallende. Og når hele landet for noen uker siden fikk presentert på tv en video av en høystående politiker som tar imot bestikkelser i form av seddelbunker som han stikker ned i sokken, kan man jo lett tenke at alt håp er ute. Brasilianere betaler prosentvis mer skatt enn vi gjør i Norge. Nå er dette bare min helt uproffesjonelle mening om saken. Jeg har sutra mye om småting hjemme, og i forhold til det føler jeg meg litt dum nå. Det er deilig å være norsk !
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